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GET /swap/v1/price

/swap/v1/price can be used to acquire real-time prices of any market pair, which you specify via the sellToken and buyToken parameters.

If you’re trying to fetch the equivalent USD price of a token:

  • We recommend using a stablecoin as sellToken with an arbitrarily low amount. For example, set sellToken = 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 for USDC on Ethereum and sellAmount = 10000000 for 10 USDC.
  • The price returned is in buyToken terms, (sellToken/buyToken = USDC/WETH = 0.000486899453497844).
  • To obtain the price in USD terms, simply take the inverse (buyToken/sellToken = WETH/USDC = 1/0.000486899453497844 = 2053).
  • See the example query.
  • Beware: This is subject to the risk that the stablecoin may depeg. Also, do not explicity set buyAmount in the request; it will not return back the desired result.

Price API is in beta. Its recommended use is for checking prices, not be be used for trading purposes. For example, if you plan to use this in a trading workflow that is triggered by price changes of USDC, be aware this is subject to the risk that the stablecoin may depeg.


Query ParamDescriptionExample
sellToken(Required) The ERC20 token address of the token you want to receive. If you’re trying to fetch the equivalent USD price of a token, specify a stablecoin using this parameter. We recommend using USDC.sellToken=0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f
buyToken(Required) The ERC20 token address of the token you want to receive. If you’re trying to fetch the equivalent USD price of a token, specify that token using this parameter.buyToken=0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f
sellAmount(Required) The amount of sellToken (in sellToken base units). To get the real-time price of the buyToken, set the sellAmount to a low amount of the stablecoin that you set as the sellToken (e.g. $10 USDC)

Example: For $10 of USDC, set sellAmount=10000000 Otherwise, if you'd like to know the real-time price according to a specific liquidity depth, please specify that token amount here.
gasPrice(Optional, defaults to ethgasstation "fast") The target gas price (in wei) for the swap transaction. If the price is too low to achieve the quote, an error will be returned.gasPrice=1000000
excludedSources(Optional) When used, only the specified liquidity sources (Uniswap, SushiSwap, 0x, Curve, etc) will be included in the provided quote.excludedSources=Uniswap,SushiSwap,Curve


Identical to the response schema for /swap/v1/quote, with the execption that the orders property, guaranteedPrice, to and data fields will always be undefined

priceIf buyAmount was specified in the request it provides the price of buyToken in sellToken and vice versa. This price does not include the slippage provided in the request above, and therefore represents the best possible price.
grossPriceSame asprice but with fees removed in the price calculation. This is the price as if no fee is charged.
estimatedPriceImpactReturns the estimated change in the price of the specified asset that would be caused by the executed swap due to price impact.

Note: If we fail to estimate price change we will return null.

Read more about price impact protection and how to set it up here .
valueThe amount of ether (in wei) that should be sent with the transaction. (Assuming protocolFee is paid in ether).
gasPriceThe gas price (in wei) that should be used to send the transaction. The transaction needs to be sent with this gasPrice or lower for the transaction to be successful.
gasThe estimated gas limit that should be used to send the transaction to guarantee settlement.
estimatedGasThe estimate for the amount of gas that will actually be used in the transaction. Always less than gas.
protocolFeeThe maximum amount of ether that will be paid towards the protocol fee (in wei), and what is used to compute the value field of the transaction. Note, as of ZEIP-91, protocol fees have been removed for all order types.
minimumProtocolFeeThe minimum amount of ether that will be paid towards the protocol fee (in wei) during the transaction. Note, as of ZEIP-91, protocol fees have been removed for all order types.
buyAmountThe amount of buyToken (in buyToken units) that would be bought in this swap. Certain on-chain sources do not allow specifying buyAmount, when using buyAmount these sources are excluded.
grossBuyAmountSimilar to buyAmount but with fees removed. This is the buyAmount as if no fee is charged.
sellAmountThe amount of sellToken (in sellToken units) that would be sold in this swap. Specifying sellAmount is the recommended way to interact with 0x API as it covers all on-chain sources.
grossSellAmountSimilar to sellAmount but with fees removed. This is the sellAmount as if no fee is charged. Note: Currently, this will be the same as sellAmount as fees can only be configured to occur on the buyToken.
sourcesThe percentage distribution of buyAmount or sellAmount split between each liquidity source. Ex: [{ name: '0x', proportion: "0.8" }, { name: 'Kyber', proportion: "0.2"}, ...]
buyTokenAddressThe ERC20 token address of the token you want to receive in quote.
sellTokenAddressThe ERC20 token address of the token you want to sell with quote.
allowanceTargetThe target contract address for which the user needs to have an allowance in order to be able to complete the swap. Typically this is the 0x Exchange Proxy contract address for the specified chain. For swaps with "ETH" as sellToken, wrapping "ETH" to "WETH" or unwrapping "WETH" to "ETH" no allowance is needed, a null address of 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is then returned instead.
sellTokenToEthRateThe rate between ETH and sellToken
buyTokenToEthRateThe rate between ETH and buyToken
feesFees that would be charged. It can contain zeroExFee. See details about this fee type below.
zeroExFeeRelated to fees param above.

Fee that 0x charges:
- feeType: volume which means 0x would charge a certain percentage of the trade.
- feeToken: The ERC20 token address to charge fee.
- feeAmount: The amount of feeToken to be charged as the 0x fee.
- billingType: The method that 0x fee is transferred. It can currently only be on-chain which means the fee would be charged on-chain.


Get a token price in USD terms via stablecoins

Use the /swap/v1/price endpoint to get the real-time price of the token pair.

In this example, we want the price of WETH in terms of USDC. To do this, we will use the stable coin USDC as the sellToken. We use the following params:

  • sellToken=0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 - USDC token address
  • buyToken=0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2 - WETH token address
  • sellAmount=10000000 - 10 USDC (USDC has a base unit of 6)

The price returned is in buyToken terms, (sellToken/buyToken = USDC/WETH = 0.000486899453497844).

To obtain the price in USD terms, simply take the inverse (WETH/USDC = 1/0.000486899453497844 = 2053).

Do not explicity set buyAmount in the request; it will not return back the desired result.



curl   --header '0x-api-key: <API_KEY>'


"chainId": 1,
"price": "0.000486899453497844",
"grossPrice": "0.000487623574505985",
"estimatedPriceImpact": "0.4359",
"value": "0",
"gasPrice": "49000000000",
"gas": "151000",
"estimatedGas": "151000",
"protocolFee": "0",
"minimumProtocolFee": "0",
"buyTokenAddress": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
"buyAmount": "4868994534978446",
"grossBuyAmount": "4876235745059859",
"sellTokenAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
"sellAmount": "10000000",
"grossSellAmount": "10000000",
"sources": [
"name": "0x",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Uniswap",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Uniswap_V2",
"proportion": "1"
"name": "Curve",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Balancer",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Balancer_V2",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "BancorV3",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "SushiSwap",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "DODO",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "DODO_V2",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "CryptoCom",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Lido",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "MakerPsm",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "KyberDMM",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Uniswap_V3",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Curve_V2",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "ShibaSwap",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Synapse",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Synthetix",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Aave_V2",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Compound",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "KyberElastic",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "Maverick_V1",
"proportion": "0"
"name": "PancakeSwap_V3",
"proportion": "0"
"allowanceTarget": "0xdef1c0ded9bec7f1a1670819833240f027b25eff",
"sellTokenToEthRate": "2041.82322",
"buyTokenToEthRate": "1",
"auxiliaryChainData": {},
"fees": {
"zeroExFee": {
"feeType": "volume",
"feeToken": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
"feeAmount": "7241210081413",
"billingType": "on-chain"