0x Swap API is now available on Fantom

We are proud to be launching support for 0x Swap API on Fantom alongside our initial partners Matcha, Coinbase Wallet, DexGuru, DexKit, DEXTools, Metric Exchange, Zapper, and Zerion.

Published on
October 26, 2021
0x Swap API is now available on Fantom

The 0x Swap API is designed to make it easy for DeFi developers to tap into DEX liquidity in a fast, reliable, and easy to use way so they can focus on what matters: their product. Since launch, Swap API has facilitated over 15M trades from more than 1.7M unique traders that in total represent over $45 billion in volume traded across Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and Avalanche.

The 0x ecosystem expands to Fantom.

Swap API is decentralized exchange infrastructure for the internet. It powers the top DeFi teams on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and Avalanche, and today we are excited to bring the experience our integrators know and love to developers building on Fantom. With this, we want to help our integrators and the broader Fantom developer ecosystem onboard the next wave of users to crypto.

The role of 0x protocol in a multi-chain world

0x Labs’ mission is to create a tokenized world where all value can flow freely. We believe that exposing the broadest set of users to smart contracts, self-custody wallets, and DEX markets is key to achieving that mission.

We are proud to be launching support for Swap API on Fantom alongside our initial partners Matcha, Coinbase Wallet, DexGuru, DexKit, DEXTools, Metric Exchange, Zapper, and Zerion, with more integrators in the growing 0x ecosystem rolling out support in the coming weeks.

Fantom support is yet another step in our mission to create a tokenized world where all value can flow freely. Given the role of 0x protocol as a middleware protocol that sits in between the blockchain consensus layer and the application layer that’s exposed to end users, we continue to add support for new L1 chains and L2 solutions and look forward to helping more teams to unlock multi-chain exchange experiences in their products.

Start building on Fantom with 0x Swap API

If you are looking to add trading on Fantom to your product, Swap API is the best place to start. Swap API currently aggregates all existing liquidity sources on Fantom. Support for 0x RFQ and open order book orders will be rolled out gradually.

You can find our updated docs here.

If you are familiar with Swap API /swap on Ethereum, BSC, Polygon or Avalanche, you will notice the integration process is very similar. Here’s an example quote request.

If you are new to building with Swap API, don’t hesitate to reach out on StackExchange for developer support (tag your question with ‘0x’ so we are properly notified). For general inquiries, you can always find us on Discord.