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Version: 2.0

0x Order Types

An order is a message passed into the 0x Settler to facilitate a trade (see How does 0x work?). The order types that we support include:

Order TypeSummaryOrder StructureSupported Token Trade Types
Limit OrdersThese are the standard 0x Order, which encodes a possible trade between a maker and taker at a fixed price.Limit Order StructureERC20 <-> ERC20 trade
RFQ OrdersThese are a stripped down version of standard limit orders, supporting fewer fields and a leaner settlement process. These orders are fielded just-in-time, directly from market makers, during the construction of a swap quote on 0x API, and can be filled through the fillRfqOrder() function on the Exchange Proxy.RFQ Order StructureERC20 <-> ERC20 trade